
Showing posts from April, 2024
Some fish can naturally cohabitate, while others cannot. Sometimes, acclimating fish to one another takes a lot of preparation. In particular, angel fish with betta thrive in solitude and even kill some fish that try to share space. In this post, Aquatic 247 will explore whether they live together or not. Can Betta Fish Live With Angelfish? Betta #angelfishwithbetta #bettafishangelfish #bettafishtankmates #cananyfishlivewithabetta #canbettafishlivewithangelfish
One of the most crucial issues you'll face when putting up an aquarium's substrate is whether or not to utilize sand. How much sand for a 55 gallon aquarium? In this post, Aquatic 247 will consider all aspects of aquarium sand and setting up your 55 gallon tank to ensure optimal results. The functions of sand in a tank? The #howmanypoundsofsandfora55gallontank #howmuchsandfor55gallontank #howmuchsandfora55gallonaquarium #howmuchsandfora55gallontank #howmuchsandpergallonaquarium

Do Goldfish Need Bubbles? Instructions For Raising Goldfish

Goldfish definitely need a filter to control their water parameters. Do goldfish need bubbles ? This article, Aquatic 247 provides answers to this question and more. #dogoldfishneedabubbler #dogoldfishneedair #dogoldfishneedanairpump #dogoldfishneedbubbles #dogoldfishneedoxygen
All snails have shells that are made up of calcium carbonate. Without enough snail calcium in their diet, shells are thin and prone to fracturing. So, what to feed mystery snails for calcium? In this post, Aquatic 247 will explore diet, especially calcium, for aquarium snails. Why does it provide calcium for aquarium snails? #calciumforaquariumsnails #calciumformysterysnails #calciumforsnail #snailcalcium #whattofeedmysterysnailsforcalcium
In modern times, there are many types of driftwood used by aquarium hobbyists to decorate aquariums. However, using driftwood sometimes encounters some initial problems. In this article, Aquatic 247 will learn about driftwood and answer some questions, such as: How long does driftwood take to sink? How to get driftwood to sink? What is driftwood? #howlongdoesdriftwoodtaketosink #howlongdoesittakefordriftwoodtosink #howlongfordriftwoodtosink #howtogetdriftwoodtosink #howtomakedriftwoodsink
Minnows are one of the factors contributing to freshwater ecosystems, from food to fishing bait. How many minnows per gallon? The answer depends on many factors. For those interested in fishing, it is important to consider the equipment and items needed to keep minnows alive. #bestwaytokeepminnowsalive #howdobaitshopskeepminnowsalive #howmanyminnowspergallon #howmanyminnowspergallonofwater #minnowtank
Excess ammonia is very harmful to plants and animals in the aquarium. Thus, turning ammonia into nitrite is also a way to balance ammonia levels. Therefore, ammonia not converting to nitrite may cause a worrisome problem. In this article, Aquatic 247 will identify why nitrification is not being performed and provide solutions to this problem. What #ammoniaandnitrate #ammoniacycle #ammonianotconvertingtonitrite #aquariumhighnitritenoammonia #highnitritesandnitratesduringcycle
Betta fish hiding can be alarmingly warming for healthy fish. This unusual behavior is caused by many different reasons.  In this post, Aquatic 247 will provide reasons why is my Betta fish hiding and what we should do to stop that behavior. Do Betta fish like to hide?  The answer is yes. Betta fish have an instinct for self-preservation. #bettafishhiding #bettahiding #dobettafishliketohide #whyismybettafishhiding #whyismybettahiding
Can mystery snails eat cucumber? This is a popular question among aquarits and pet enthusiats. In this guide, Aquatic 247 will explore cucumber is a suitable option for these snails. What do mystery snails eat?  Mystery snails feed anything that is found in the wild, including dead fish, shirm, debris, animal carrion, alge and decaying plant stuff. #blanchedvegetablesforsnails #canmysterysnailseatcucumber #cansnailseatcucumber #snaileatscucumber #whatdomysterysnailseat
Can angelfish and neon tetras live together in an aquarium? This is a popular question when aquarists want to combine them. This article,  Aquatic 247 will cover their temperament and living environment requirements as well as consider whether they can live in harmony or not. Introduce about angelfish  What is an angelfish? #angelfishandneontetras #angelfishandtetras #canangelfishlivewithtetras #cantetraslivewithangelfish #neonangelfish

Can I Use Sea Salt Instead Of Aquarium Salt?

Can I use sea salt instead of aquarium salt ? The use of salt in an aquarium is undoubtedly a controversial topic. In this post, Aquatic 247 will answer questions to help you make the best decision.#aquariumsaltseasalt #aquariumsaltsubstitute #aquariumsaltvsregularsalt #aquariumsaltvstablesalt #caniuseseasaltinsteadofaquariumsalt
Can I use sea salt instead of aquarium salt? The use of salt in an aquarium is undoubtedly a controversial topic. In this post, Aquatic 247 will answer questions to help you make the best decision. What's the difference between aquarium salt vs table salt? Adding #aquariumsaltseasalt #aquariumsaltsubstitute #aquariumsaltvsregularsalt #aquariumsaltvstablesalt #caniuseseasaltinsteadofaquariumsalt
Molly is a loving fish and immensely easy to care for. However, only in cases where the fish is pregnant do you need to pay more attention. Many pet owners always ask the question: Is my Molly pregnant? How to tell if Molly fish is pregnant? What does a pregnant Molly fish look like? In this article, let's have Aquatic 247 answer all these questions. Is #howtotellifamollyfishispregnant #howtotellifmollyfishispregnant #howtotellifmollyispregnant #ismymollypregnant #whatdoesapregnantmollyfishlooklike
Bubble Eye Black Moor Goldfish is often added to collections as a color contrast to a colorful aquarium. In this article, Aquatic 247 will help you show you methods to care for this fish. What is Bubble Eye Black Moor Goldfish? The #blackbubbleeyegoldfish #blackgoldfishwithbubbleeyes #bubbleeyeblackmoorgoldfish #bubbleeyedblackgoldfish #bugeyedblackgoldfish
Hole in head Betta is an extremely serious infection that can kill your Betta fish if not detected and treated swiftly and properly. In this post, Aquatic 247 will teach you everything you need to know to diagnose, treat, and prevent hole-in-the-head disease in your Betta. What is a Betta fish hole in the head? Betta #bettafishholeinheaddisease #bettafishholeinthehead #bettaholeinhead #Holeinheadbetta #holeintheheadbetta
Understanding some unusual behaviors of fish is extremely important in the process of raising ornamental fish. In this post, Aquatic 247 will answer the question: What is a fish swimming in circles? Why is my fish swimming in circles? How to solve a phenomenon? What is a fish swimming in circle? #fishspinningincircles #fishswimminginacircle #fishswimmingincircles #myfishisspinninguncontrollably #whyismyfishswimmingincircles
Recreational fishing is an addictive type of sport for all ages and people. Whether you are a local or a tourist, you are looking for Arizona's beautiful lakes and rivers. So, how many fishing rods per person in Arizona? In this article, Aquatic 247 helps you learn about AZ fishing laws. What is recreational fishing?  Recreational fishing (sport #arizonafishlimits #arizonafishinglaws #azfishinglaws #fishingregulationsaz #howmanyfishingrodsperpersoninarizona
Mystery snails are popular freshwater snails to keep as pets. However, for those who experience mystery snails for the first time, the question always arises: Do mystery snails need a heater? In this article, Aquatic 247 will help you answer all your questions about how to care for and maintain healthy snails. General #domysterysnailsneedafilter #domysterysnailsneedaheater #mysterysnailwatertemp #watertempformysterysnails #watertemperatureformysterysnails

5 Reason The Turtle Tank Smells Like Rotten Eggs - How To Fix It?

Owning an underwater ecosystem will be a pleasant and interesting journey that will allow you to see another environment. The turtle tank smells like rotten eggs if you don't clean it regularly, #howtokeepaturtletankfromsmelling #smellyturtletank #turtletanksmellslikerotteneggs #whydoesmyturtletanksmell #whydoesmyturtletankstink
Owning an underwater ecosystem will be a pleasant and interesting journey that will allow you to see another environment. The turtle tank smells like rotten eggs if you don't clean it regularly. In this post, Aquatic 247 will find out the causes and how to keep a turtle tank from smelling. Why does my turtle tank stink? To #howtokeepaturtletankfromsmelling #smellyturtletank #turtletanksmellslikerotteneggs #whydoesmyturtletanksmell #whydoesmyturtletankstink
Have you ever encountered infertile mystery snail eggs? What do those eggs look like? In this article, Aquatic 247 will help you learn about infertile eggs and how to identify them. Stages of the mystery snail egg-hatching cycle Below are the stages of the hatching cycle that indicate the fertility or infertility of the egg. #canmysterysnailslayeggswithoutamate #howtotellifmysterysnaileggsarefertile #howtotellifsnaileggsarefertile #infertilemysterysnaileggs #mysterysnailegg
The mystery snail's attractive and charming appearance excites its owners. Furthermore, this snail removes trash and waste from the aquarium. In this post, Aquatic 247 will help you understand the mystery snail not moving that do not move, leading many people to believe they are dead. What is a mystery snail? #mymysterysnailisnotmoving #mysterysnailnotmoving #mysterysnailsnotmoving #whyismymysterysnailnotmoving
Can snails eat celery? This is a question for people who have grown this pet. In this guide, Aquatic 247 will discuss food for snails and some common mistakes when feeding snails. How often do snails eat? In nature, snails are omnivores and eat a variety of foods. #cansnailseatapples #cansnailseatcarrots #cansnailseatcelery #cansnailseatfishfood #howoftendosnailseat
Algae outbreaks are one of the most common concerns for aquarists since annoying green algae cover decorations, plants, and the walls of aquariums. You're probably thinking: Does Molly eat algae? In this post, Aquatic 247  will delve deeper into the common Molly diet. What are algae? Algae #bestfishfoodformollies #blackmollyfishcare #commonmollydiet #domollieseatalgae #doesmollyeatalgae